Quality Control Services

2340 SE 11th Ave Portland, OR 97214

MA37-1US Sartorius Infrared Moisture Analyzer

The MA37 is the new Sartorius basic analyzer for moisture determination. It operates even faster and is easier to use than its predecessor MA35. In addition, it features a compact footprint and delivers highly accurate results. Moreover, its BetterClean design also enables effortless cleaning, and the convenient status light indicates the current progress of a measurement. The MA37 is therefore ideal for operations involving identical routine measurement tasks, guiding you step by step throughout moisture analysis.

Part Number: MA37-1US ( 70g x 0.001g )

Price: $ 4510.00
MAP Price: $ 3382.50

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  • Fast measurements- The new, high-performance heating unit integrated into the MA37 ensures fast and uniform drying of the sample
  • Effortless cleaning- You can even remove the chamber hood and the sample chamber plate to clean them in a laboratory washer
  • User-friendly operation- The intuitive user interface, including the touch screen, and easy-to-understand menu prompts considerably simplify operation of the MA37
  • Display of the measurement status- The light indicates the status of the analyzer. As a result, you will have everything under control - even from a distance
  • Downward compatibility with predecessor model MA35- This mode lets you readily use method parameters already developed for the MA35
  • Several display modes for results- % moisture, % dry weight, grams of moisture, grams of dry weight, ATRO (ratio) in %M/S

Weighing Capacity (g)


Readability (mg/%)


Temperature range (C)


Repeatability (mg/%)


Linearity (mg)